Get Review Investigator


What We’ll Build For You…


Customer Database

We’ll set up a database, exclusively for you.

Starting with an import of your existing customers, we’ll show you how to regularly add new customer contacts.

Your Review Site

We’ll build you a unique website ( where your customers can leave their feedback.

Review Investigator automatically sends a series of invitations to the people in your database. We remove the 2 reasons why people don’t give a review:

1. “I forgot”
We persist, politely!

2. “I didn’t have time”
We make it quick and easy to do.

We Assess Their Sentiment

Psychological studies show that more people will participate if they know why their help is valued. We explain this in the invitation, and remind them again here.

Then we ask them about their experience. We can do this with a straight question, or as a graded Net Promoter Score.

Link to Review Sites

If the feedback is positive, Review Investigator will encourage your customer to leave a review.

The review sites we offer will depend on your industry (but always include Google Business Profile, of course!)

Capture Unhappy Customers

This is a vital step: capturing negative feedback before an unhappy customer leaves a bad review.

Most customers simply want to know you care about their problem and will gladly tell you how it can be fixed – both now and for future customers.

We’ll urgently send their feedback to you. Often, your actions to resolve the problem will lead to a positive review, instead!

Better Conversions

Too many business owners put money and effort into promoting their business before working on their online review strategy. (Then worry about the poor ROI on their marketing investment.)

But what if, when prospective customers hear about your business, they search you and find lots of positive feedback? You’ll get more click-throughs and more sales.

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